Last week I went out with a friend. We were talking and
getting the other caught up with the details of our lives. It was a whole lot
of fun. I love conversations like those. I love friends who will talk like
Then I got asked a big question,
What are you good at?
And I didn’t know.
See, we were discussing our futures and our answers to the
“what’s next?” questions that come after college graduation. I threw my plans
under the bus that night. Because that’s not what I want. But my problem is: I
don’t really know what I want.
What are you good at?
I’ve been thinking about that question all week. Truth is,
I’m good at a lot of things. I just don’t know where I fit best. I have yet to
find the place where the world’s deep need and my deep gladness meet.
(Frederick Beucher uses the juxtaposition to define vocational calling)
Two days after this conversation I sat at my cousin’s
wedding. It was beautiful in every way. And I sat watching my other cousins
with their spouses and children and I had to smile.
They found it.
That night, in that place, they were doing everything they
were designed to do. So I sat and I learned and I held babies.
It was a wonderful suspension to my thinking.
It wasn’t long before the night ended and the internal
dialogue continued.
This weekend was wonderfully convicting.
Yet I am still working through my thoughts.
Family is wonderful like that. Especially the ones I don’t
see often. They ask these questions and I shuffle my words for answers then
spend the following days trying to answer for myself. And this trip, my uncle
preached at church. Though I have to say, he always seems to hold that position
at our family gatherings.
So… what am I good